
LinkedIn for Creatives: A Masterclass for Landing More Opportunities | TCJ Entry 024

July 16, 2024
LinkedIn for Creatives: A Masterclass for Landing More Opportunities | TCJ Entry 024

Today is a full-on Linkedin Masterclass for Creatives: How you should spend your time on Linkedin productively and meaningfully to get the best return on your investment. We'll cover:

1) How to be bold with messages, and insightful with posts

2) "Productive" versus "Unproductive" commenting

3) How to get on the radar of agencies or companies you want to partner with

4) The 80/20 of a PERFECT LinkedIn profile

5) Is Premium Worth it? & How to use it effectively


⁠Jasmin Alic⁠

⭐️ This podcast is brought to you by the ⁠Essential Reading Database for Creative Business Owners⁠: A curated database of the most impactful creative business books, succinct summaries, templates to add your own new readings, filtered by difficulty, and links to download at the cheapest place, anywhere online. A must-have for anyone looking to grow their creative and entrepreneurial mindset this year! 📚